Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dreams within reach...

Wow, what an amazing couples months it has been. I went from having my heart shattered, to God healing it, to seeing my dreams as becoming a dance teacher, only a wishful come to reality. I got a new job, quit the one I hated. I went from wanting to leave my current church, to people finally listening to me and my heart and now Im starting a drama team in the youth group and I love being a youth leader in my church. All of these things, I have not done on my own, but ALL thanks and Glory goes to God! I never thought that my dreams would become reality, i never thought in a million years that I, Whitney, would be starting my own Irish program from the ground up. I have my brother Kevin, to thank for that. Speaking of him, we are actually talking now, and getting along. That was a battle in itself. My heart is just so full and I am so beyond blessed by All that God has done for me. I am finally happy! Beyond happy, I thought that I would never be happy again, but turns out, I am happier now then I ever was! God has blessed me beyond words, and I dont even have the words to express how beyond grateful I am.

Finally Happy, Fallowing My Dreams, and being...Simply ME!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unjustly Guilted

It always seems that when you are at your lowest, the devil likes to pour vinegar on your already bleeding wounds. I am so sick of feeling like the dirt under peoples feet. I know that i have more value then that. But when you hear it everyday, especially from someone who is suppose to be your family and love you no matter what, it gets pretty old. 
Its sad to think that my own family has never really been a family to me. I have ALWAYS been there for them, loved them through everything, and yet when i need them the most, they are never there. When I look for support, no one is to be found.
The even sadder things is that my church friends, are more of a family to me then my own. My friends are more family to be then they have ever been. I just dont understand how you can treat someone that way, yet claim that your are a Christian. Yes, Im only human, i am going to make mistakes...but that means i have them to learn from, not be judged and reminded of them everyday. I cant stand how hypocritical people can be. It makes me angry, and then It makes me upset.
And they wonder why ever since i moved back in that I am NEVER home. I hate it here, I hate being treated and reminded of my past, when God has already forgiven me. You NEVER treated my brothers like this, Yall excepted them with open arms, I mean come on one of them is gay!! I mean what the hell??? It makes me so mad to think that they will support my brothers in whatever they want, but when the supposed "golden child" (Me) makes a few mistakes, i get chastised for it. And yet they wonder why I moved out in the first place. Its like they dont even realize that they do this to me. They always wonder why i am never around. Well, this is why! I am sick of it! I wont take it anymore!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A change to look forward to

These past few months have been a huge roller coaster of ups and downs...i fell in love, and i got my heart shattered. I moved out, and i had to move back in with my parents, My brother and i who were once close, now never speak, and the future i thought I was going to have with this amazing man of my dreams, vanished in the shadows of my tears. But through it all, I have grown so much closer to God. Through all of this, i have gained so much strength and it has created me to be a better person. I know i am Human and we all make mistakes, but mine took me to places i never imagined that i would ever be. But through all of this i have decided to really focus on school. I have decided to get my degree at JTCC in Psychology, and i plan to go to UVA where i will double major in Psychology and Business. I plan to own my own performing arts academy, and be a councilor. I have a ways to go, but i know that I finally have a set goal, that i know with a lot of help i can reach!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Your face we seek...

In life we always seem to say "God where are you" "Why havnt you shown up". At time we just wish things would just come into our lives without putting any work into it. Well just like the Bible says "Faith without works is Dead".
God is always there with an open hand to help us and to give us his blessing. But we need to put some effort into it. Seek his face, wait on him, dwell in his presence.
God we wait for you! Its not our timing, its all yours!
This is an amazing worship song that i just felt that i wanted to share tonight!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Single or not it still sucks :D

Once again it is Valentines day, A holiday that i quite frankly do NOT like at all. And not that I Have a pretty awesome boyfriend i hate it even more. Im honestly not one to be super romantic. I hate how society seems to pressure everyone to do some huge big gesture and spend all this money and what not. I mean personally i think its a load of crap. Yes, flowers and a nice gift are always nice...but do you really need another holiday for that? I dont know, maybe im just this way because ive always been single on V day. Ha well im not to romantic but imma try...guess we shall see what Brett thinks...Ha

And the fact that im working that day kinda makes it all funnier.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 highlights

It is crazy to think that 2011 is over. What a roller coaster it has been. But all i can say is God truely shower up in my life. Just some highlights i wanted to share:

*My adorable And loveable godson Carter was born in March.

-He has been such a blessing in my life, and i love being his Auntie NiNi :)

*I have made some great friendships this year

*My chrurch became my family, those are some of the best friends in the world that honestly i could ever ask for.

*This summer had unended memories at the beach house with Heather :)

*I got to be a nanny for a while with the 2 most amazing kids ever

*Youth Camp just blew me away...

*so did origins this year, God just showed up.

*My Dancing has really taken over my life

*Oh and my best friend became my boyfriend :)

Then there were the not so great times

*My aunt Charlotte Gayle passing away

*My aunt Virginia

*Having to put my baby girl summer down :(

-That was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do

*Leaving all my students and friends at Spotlight

*And months of up and down emontions and a broken heart.

Even though all of those things arent the best, everything has to end some time.

This year has been full of so many things, Im excited to see whats ahead, i dont know where this next year will lead me, But im putting my faith in God and steppin out!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A love found, in the most unexpected way...

Its that time of year once again, where we snuggle up with family and friends and Love is all in the air(suposedly). Many people spend these days alone, by themselves, or feel lonely because they dont have that signifigant other. I use to be like that, then i learned something, kind of the hard way.

Everyone young woman wants to find the love of her life and wants them to wisk her away. But not everyone gets that right away. I use to spend so much of my time, sad and lonely, and dwelling on that fact. But while i was drowning in my own sorrows i was missing out on what mattered the most...the people around me. My family, my friends, my church family...all the above. And i realized that i was missing out on all the fun times, i could of been making memorable memories i would never forget. But instead I was so concentrated on the loneliness that when I took a step back, I realized...I wasnt alone at all, I was surrounded by people who loved me just as I am, because of who I am. Instead of me trying to impress a guy or something like that, by being something i really wasnt. i had people around me who loved me who exactly who i was.

I think in all reality thats all that really matters. Most young women do it the wrong way. they are willing to compromise all what makes you truely you, just so they can having that feeling of "Love". When its standing there all in our faces all along. Thats not true love anyway. The true love that we should be experiencing is the true love of Jesus, Not a "feel good" love of a sagnifigant other you may be yerning. Im not saying its not wrong to want that, im just saying do it the right way, and enjoy life now and all the love of your family and friends that Love you just for who you TRUELY are! Your crazy lovable self. :)
