Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dreams within reach...

Wow, what an amazing couples months it has been. I went from having my heart shattered, to God healing it, to seeing my dreams as becoming a dance teacher, only a wishful come to reality. I got a new job, quit the one I hated. I went from wanting to leave my current church, to people finally listening to me and my heart and now Im starting a drama team in the youth group and I love being a youth leader in my church. All of these things, I have not done on my own, but ALL thanks and Glory goes to God! I never thought that my dreams would become reality, i never thought in a million years that I, Whitney, would be starting my own Irish program from the ground up. I have my brother Kevin, to thank for that. Speaking of him, we are actually talking now, and getting along. That was a battle in itself. My heart is just so full and I am so beyond blessed by All that God has done for me. I am finally happy! Beyond happy, I thought that I would never be happy again, but turns out, I am happier now then I ever was! God has blessed me beyond words, and I dont even have the words to express how beyond grateful I am.

Finally Happy, Fallowing My Dreams, and being...Simply ME!

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