Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A love found, in the most unexpected way...

Its that time of year once again, where we snuggle up with family and friends and Love is all in the air(suposedly). Many people spend these days alone, by themselves, or feel lonely because they dont have that signifigant other. I use to be like that, then i learned something, kind of the hard way.

Everyone young woman wants to find the love of her life and wants them to wisk her away. But not everyone gets that right away. I use to spend so much of my time, sad and lonely, and dwelling on that fact. But while i was drowning in my own sorrows i was missing out on what mattered the most...the people around me. My family, my friends, my church family...all the above. And i realized that i was missing out on all the fun times, i could of been making memorable memories i would never forget. But instead I was so concentrated on the loneliness that when I took a step back, I realized...I wasnt alone at all, I was surrounded by people who loved me just as I am, because of who I am. Instead of me trying to impress a guy or something like that, by being something i really wasnt. i had people around me who loved me who exactly who i was.

I think in all reality thats all that really matters. Most young women do it the wrong way. they are willing to compromise all what makes you truely you, just so they can having that feeling of "Love". When its standing there all in our faces all along. Thats not true love anyway. The true love that we should be experiencing is the true love of Jesus, Not a "feel good" love of a sagnifigant other you may be yerning. Im not saying its not wrong to want that, im just saying do it the right way, and enjoy life now and all the love of your family and friends that Love you just for who you TRUELY are! Your crazy lovable self. :)



  1. amen, boo. I was with you 150%. I needed this, God is amazing; no? <3 you

  2. agreed he is indeed! Love and miss you!!!
