Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 highlights

It is crazy to think that 2011 is over. What a roller coaster it has been. But all i can say is God truely shower up in my life. Just some highlights i wanted to share:

*My adorable And loveable godson Carter was born in March.

-He has been such a blessing in my life, and i love being his Auntie NiNi :)

*I have made some great friendships this year

*My chrurch became my family, those are some of the best friends in the world that honestly i could ever ask for.

*This summer had unended memories at the beach house with Heather :)

*I got to be a nanny for a while with the 2 most amazing kids ever

*Youth Camp just blew me away...

*so did origins this year, God just showed up.

*My Dancing has really taken over my life

*Oh and my best friend became my boyfriend :)

Then there were the not so great times

*My aunt Charlotte Gayle passing away

*My aunt Virginia

*Having to put my baby girl summer down :(

-That was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do

*Leaving all my students and friends at Spotlight

*And months of up and down emontions and a broken heart.

Even though all of those things arent the best, everything has to end some time.

This year has been full of so many things, Im excited to see whats ahead, i dont know where this next year will lead me, But im putting my faith in God and steppin out!


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