Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Will it ever happen?!

I love romantic comedy, but in a way its like emotional sucide whenever i watch one. Like tonight, i was watching 27 dresses. Love that movie. anyways, it always makes me very sad especially lately. I have been wanting to be in a serious relationship for a while now. But there just seems to be no one out there for me. And when i do like a guy, theres nothing i can do about it cause hes into someone else. I swear its like this cycle never ends! I mean i dont even have anyone interested in me! I know im kinda ranting on about myself but i need to get it off my chest. I just dont understand, everyone tells me "Oh any guy would be lucky to have you" and blah blah blah the same old shit everyday. Im sick of it, cause if it were true, wouldnt i not feel this way. Im so sick of the feeling of being alone, im sick of that half empty feeling in my heart. I mean i know God has a plan and what not but still, i cant help the feeling. Im happy being single and just living my life for the most part i really am. But its lonely nights like these and in those quiet moments is when i feel this way. Okay i feel this way a lot of the time. But i cant do anything about it and thats what sucks the most. I mean ESPECIALLY with a lot of my friends have been getting engaged lately. I am beyond happy for them, just makes me want it too. I mean i know there is that guy out there for me, i just wish he would show up by now.

-Thoughts on the mind


1 comment:

  1. Hey gal,
    Don't give up just yet. I know it's hard to not focus on it when relationships seem to be staring ya in the face from every angle, but seriously, alot of them are ending as well. Or worse- they're going horribly wrong, but the participants are refusing to save themselves and leave. My mentor always tells me "it's better to not be in a relationship, than to be in a bad relationship." Love him to death, but sometimes I just want to punch him in the face when he says that. It's so NOT what I want to hear. But, alas, he is right. So, I share it with you. And as far as the romantic comedies, I know what you mean, I love them but I hate them too. Let's go see Bridesmaids when you get back, kay? it looks funny :) we'll see it TOGETHER! =D
