Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Fairytale Of Love...

Love is a crazy thing. Especially when it comes to two people. It can be a very confusing, heart breaking, tormenting, and fantastic all in the same.

Its kind of funny in a way, growing up you always dream of the fairytale love. For me it was cinderella. To find a love you've always dreamed of, and dance the night away. But as always a fairytale is a fairytale.

Then you grow up, and all reality hits. You heart will break, tears will be shed, and hearts will be changed. That unfortunately, if life. Love is something we all yern for, expecially us as young woman. It is something that i myself yern for. It is something hat one day, hopefully, soon i shall find out. But as of now the love i want of a companion is gone yet unoticed, and overlooked.

-Thoughts of a young woman wanting Love.


"the seasons are all the change that i need"-Some old movie im watching now :D

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