Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Bid You Adieu

The hardest part is letting go. Its letting go of something that you once gave your heart to blindly. And its letting go of something that you held close and dear. Letting go is the hardest part when you actually care for someone. And even when they did you wrong, you still want to be there everything like you once were. Letting can be one of the hardest things a person can do. But eventually you just get to that point where you realize that no matter how many times you go over it in your head, you still cant justify the hurt and wrong doing. So thats the point where you just gatta be "Im Done" Because it comes to a point where you realize you cant keep doing this even if you know in your heart of hearts that nothin is going to change your standards. The only thing that i know to do is Pray for him and wish him the best of luck and let him know what ill always be his friends no matter what, But nothing more. And that its time for him to work on his own heart. And to let him know that the same guy i saw in him is still there- just underneith all the mess. So dont give up. Things happen because they were'nt In Gods plan for my life. So i write this as a final Goodbye. Now its time to move on and look to newer and brighter things God has in my Life. Its time to get back to that special Place i once was. And So to you i bid you adieu.

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