Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The sun Still shines through the rain...

"As the clouds drew near and the rain began to fall, the sun still shined through it all."-Me

I cant believe this is happening again
Here i find myself on the floor
Knees brusied from the fall
Heart shattered, cant go on for much more
Just when i thought that i would catch my breath
Another wave comes, and knocks me off my feet
But just as the Clouds drew near and the Rain began Fall
I noticed that the sun still shined through it all
So i stand up on that glimpse of hope
Knowing that God's there
Watching, Waiting, Heart Hurting just as bad as mine
And wanting to take the pain away by his love devine.
So as i stand on his word of hope
I see the skys Slowly begin to clear
For i know even though the rain still may fall
The sun is still shining through it all.

-Written by: WhitneyFaith

Have you ever noticed on a rainy day that its still light outside. It maybe just a little on the cloudy side but its still light. Thats what inspired me to write this. because its the truth- even though things may be cloudy and raining(or so it seems in your life) that the sun is still shining. And that in itself should give you hope because it just proves that brighter days are ahead, and are starting to come. Yeah things get tough and the clouds role in- but have you ever noticed that they dont stick around forever. And thats the beauty of it all. =]

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