Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Matters of the heart...

"To some love is a word That they can fall into But when they're falling out Keeping that word is hard to do" - Warren Barfield

Love now a days is used very loosely. Especially when it comes to relationships. What people really think is "Love" is only really lust. That word is something that is just being tossed around and not many people no the true reason of it. Love shouldnt be something that we just be throwing around. Because Love isnt just a word its something thats apart of your heart. And if you give your heart away as much as you say that word then your heart is ganna be one battered and torn up mess. A very wise person once said "before you say I love you to a person-Make sure that your willing to mary them"-Jeanie Mayo. And i think that is the wisest thing i have ever heard. And the reason i put those lyrics up ^ because its so true. Many people can just say a word, but talk is cheap you can always say a bunch of words and never mean any of them. Thats why actions speak louder than words.

"You can hold any girl that you like Fall in love when it's easy at night But you wake up wondering why She ain't ever something better" Cary Underwood
- you may think for that moment that its love- but what is it really anyway? Its not love- Its lust. So my advice to you is be careful- Dont just throw that word around like its nothing. Before you say it make sure you know what it really means.
Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.

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