Saturday, February 6, 2010

When it Rains it Pours

It seems like for the past 3 weeks or so i have been attacked in so many ways. Friend died, person i know got cancer, family issues, Boyfriend trouble. You name it it probably happend.(so it seems) You know that old saying when it rains it pours, well its not a fun place to be.And it seemed like Everything was just happening and coming at me at once. Normally when things like this happen i still went on and lived my life. Well this time for some unknown reason i just couldnt. It seemed like all i could do was think. And with no school this week, and me being stuck in the house all day everyday, just me, it was the only things i could do. For those of you who have been there, its not a fun place to be. Because when all you can do is think you tend to over think and jump to conclusions and assume way to much. When i was doing something i was fine but then in that instant it came back and hit me like a wave. and there i would be drowning and wondering when if i would ever be able to catch my breath again.Well when something happended earlier today, it pushed me over and i lost it. I found myself slipping back into that place i once was.(depressed and not knowing it till it was to late.) Which is a place i NEVER want to go back to. I felt like i was on a cliff and i was falling(back to that place) and i was reaching for something to help me not fall and i was reaching and grabbing and nothing was there. After crying and a long nap i just sat there in the nothingness that surrounded me. It was like i had given up. But then i had one of those "oh wait? what am i doing?!?!" moments. And i realized that i was doing exactly what the enemy was wanting me to do. I realized that i cant just sit there and do nothing i had to fight back!! I had to get off my butt and do something about this! And even as i sit here now writing these words come to me "Heres my life"By BarlowGirl "Even when the tears are falling When I find I fear is callingYou remind me Words You've spoken over my life Promises I've yet to see You comfort me God I'm crying out tonight' Cause I've given You my life But I'm tired and I'm missing what's behind So once more, here's my life" This encouraged me in so many ways. It showed me that even though i may struggle with what life brings that God is always there. And it reminded me that i did give God my life and with me doing that comes all his promises that he has given to us. And God promised us that he will never give us more than we can handle. This it also reminds me that once again with God all things are possible. And it reminded me that ive been through something like this before, and i got through that. So i know im ganna get through this. I may not know how but i know its all ganna work out eventually.


  1. AHH! You quoted my favorite verse, and it's true. With God, all things ARE possible! Don't forget, you're strong, and caring! God rewards those things in his servants. I've been through some of this, and some I can't begin to comprehend, but I'm here for you, and I'm praying for you. :)

  2. I Know you are and i apprciate it so much. Thanks girl for reminding me and encourageing me to write again!
