Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Tears may fall--But they dont fall forever...

So today my boyfriend broke up with me. Yeah i fell hard for him i cant deny it, and it hurts like words cant even express. But ya know when i sit here and think about it This is what i figured out. Im ganna give myself just one day to cry complain and i guess have a "hate guys"day. Then after my one day im ganna start picking up the peices and start again. Not in a relationship but just Live my life. Yeah i did fall hard, but im not mad at him. And i sit here and think that yeah things might not have gone the way i had wanted, But Everything happens for a reason. And i know that its ALL in Gods hands. And even in the midst of my sadness somewhere down inside my shattered heart is a tiny bit of joy. Because i know that i am going to be okay. So I leave you tonight with this one thing...

Dont Regret...Just Learn.

1 comment:

  1. That is the best & smartest thing I've ever known someone to do after a major break up. I'll be sure to keep that in mind & spread the word if the need arises.

    Thank you.
