Saturday, March 28, 2009

Midnight Hour

Broken she cries out for help
No one answers in the silence
But one Man is shown with arms open wide
But she cant see him in the darkness
For there is someone whispering words of no way out
She cry's and screams for someone to help her
But she cant hear Jesus calling her with arms open wide
Through the words of Hopelessness, No self worth and Death
Through these words she finally gives in
She is walking around like the living dead
With her heart heavy from the tears that she shed
One day she finally breaks down at her Midnight Hour
Crying she holds her arms up to heaven and cry's out to Jesus
He comes down and replaces those words with LIFE,HOPE and BELONGING
She's no longer walking like the living dead
And giving into Compromise
But she's walking around healed and Brand New

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