Monday, February 8, 2010

To A Friend...

Things in life happen, and when sorrow comes at you like a knife with unknown reasons, our first instinct is to give in to the nothingness that surrounds you...yeah it happens and it sucks and hurts like words cant even express or could even imagine. And its okay to have that time in your life when you just give in. Its called sorrow and mourning. But you cant just stay in that place of just existing. Because how will you ever be healed from the hurt and how will you ever begin to be happy and find your feet again on solid ground if all you do is just sit there. You cant!! if you just sit there and do nothing how do you ever expect things to get better. They Dont!! yes your strength may be drained and you just have no hope because what little you had left was cut into shreds by someone you thought you could trust. Thats when we find our strenth and hope in others. Thats when you need to just lean on others. And its okay to be selfish and fix and help yourself before you try to help or fix others. because how can you help them and build them up if you yourself cant even keep your own self up. well, thats just it...You Cant. You cant just sit around and do nothing forever...because how can you and how will you ever begin to love and trust again...You wont. AGAPE is a word that means sacerficial love. Its a love without a hook- its a straight Arrow. Its a type of love that isnt done by thinking or waying the options, its a type of love that just acts. its a love thats patient,kind,doesnt envy, its not rude, its not self seeking, doesnt through a temper tantrum, keeps NO reccord of wrong, and its a love that rejoices in truth. Wouldnt you like to know what that kind of love feels like?Thats the type of Love that God has for you. You cant always do things on your own...You gatta rely on somone that will never leave or fail you. People may say "Time heals all wounds" Well thats not necisarrily true. Time might make the pain hurt less, but the peices of your heart are all still scattered around. God is the one that can put it back together. He's the one that can heal it all. But the only way he can heal it, is if you give it to him. not just parts of it, but ALL of it. He's the one who had that AGAPE love for you. I Know you may not believe it. But i know that your not one to give up. And when all else has failed you in life, God is one person that never will. You may ask where has he been my whole life? he's been there with arms open wide waiting for you to come to him. I know you just sick of it all, and want to give up. But instead of sitting there doing nothing an just existing, run to someone who will never leave you. You want to feel and know that type of love, He will give it freely like he always has. when you feel all alone, he is always there, And so am i. So dont just give up hope. because i know your stonger than that. YOU CAN DO THIS!! I KNOW YOU CAN!!

1 comment:

  1. so true. i love this. all of it :) amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! everyone needs to hear this :)
