Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Joy or a Burden?

Someone i once knew told me this one time "I just want to be someones hero. I want to be able to help them." For some reason I've been thinking about that a lot. And im not sure why. Not because of the person who said it, but because of the meaning behind, and in those words. I guess i didnt really realize what that person was saying. I realize now that in those words were in a way a cry for help. I realized that when they said that it really ment that they just wanted to be apprciated for something. That they wanted someone to look up to them. And when it comes to it they just wanted to be noticed. The more i think about it and the more i look at the people around me, thats what a lot of people are doing. They are crying out in so many ways, And we tend to over look the small things. That person may not have intended it to be this way but because i did know the cercumstances i realize now thats what was happening. So many people, even in my own life for example, go through a lot of crap and they(least i did) tend to try to fix others to make themselves feel better. I use to and is still struggling with those kinds of thing still today. But one thing i realized and learned the hard way is that, you have to fix your own heart and your own life before you can truly begin to help others. Im not saying that helping people while going through your own struggles is a bad thing, Because i am most definately not. But what i am saying is that dont take on to much at one time. yes it great to be able to help others, but you have to admit, sometimes it takes a lot of strength out of you, and when you dont have much left, its not really a good thing. You may be thinking "wouldnt it be selfish of me to do that?" Because i know i use to think that ALL the time. But i realized sometimes you have to let Jesus be the hero for you, before you help others. Because if you dont, it begins to feel more like a burden then a joy to help people.

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