Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thoughts on the mind...

So i got my cap, gown and graduation anouncements today...And that got me a thinkin'. Wow this is really it. My high school years are going ot be over in just a short 33 days. First thought to my mind-"AHHHH" haha i am so extremely excited and im ready to get out of high school. But yet i always walk around my school and realize that this time i have with all these awesome people will be over soon and i doubt i will see most of them again. I know that theres always Facebook, but its not the same. I know that the rest of my life is about to start, and i am so very excited about that, but its also a sad and scary time. Its so weird to think of me as a senior and that im graduating, i dont know i guess thats its all really starting to sink in.

[I think im starting to think to]



  1. lol I just wrote out mine about graduation when i saw yours HAHA
    but awhhh :(

  2. i know its sad. like ive been thinking about it to much. GAHH its so sad.
