Thursday, April 8, 2010

[Finally Free]

For the longest time all ive felt was sad and depressed, and it was all because of my ex. Well long story short it wasnt a good ending. and i was truely heart broken. Well its been like 2 months now since it ended and i had such a hatred for him and i found myself being sad and depressed and crying a lot because i missed him. But it was more of i missed being in a relationship. So it was a back and forth battle with my heart. I was trying to give it all to God and just Get back to where i need to be, but yet i found myself still struggling with this and still having a really hard time. Well today, i found a bag in my room when i was cleaning my room and it had all of our old stuff like notes, cards, things like that. I saw it and i was like This is enough i cant stand it! So i went outside and i burnt EVRERYTHING! and i through it all away and i washed it away with water. I walked back inside and went to my room. I literatly fell on my knees and just started crying and laughing all at the same time. Because it was just like this ickyness and all the heart ache and depression fell off me! and i just sat there crying "oh God Oh God I'm finially free!!!" And i am! I cant even explain all thatr happened! But IM FREE!!!! My heart is all back and my joy and everything is back! I cant even express how thankful i am to God! But im free! I cant even describe what happended to me...all i know is that its finially done and im the happiest ive ever been in a really long time! Its Its finially all over. The lonelyness is gone the hopelessness and self doubt and sadness is all Gone! IM FINALLY FREE!!! THANK YOU GOD!!

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