Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Exploring Your Potential

This is a message my pastor preached tonight. I though it was soo good I had to share it.

Ephesians 3:20-21(The Message)

God can do anything, you know- far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

He had made some points before he got the the main message so here are some points i thought were great.

-If you loose your peace, back up and find it again its there where you left it

-If you dont have anything, You cant give anything

-If you want God in your life, You must seek after him. You have to work at a relationship how is a relationship with God any different?

So the pastor made a few illistrations:

There is a killer whale, they can get up to 30 or more feet long. But when scientist took a baby whale just born and put it in a small tank, it doesnt grow. It adapts to its surroundings. It only grows about a foot to 20 inches long.

- That whale is like our lives and our potential

There was this type of fish(i dont remember the name) Who loves to eat minoes. The scientist stick him in a tank and fill it with minoes. It eats them all. The scientist put the fish in a cylinder then puts the fish in. The fish trys to eat but keeps hitting the side of the clear cylinder. The scientist removes the cylinder and the fish stays in place, it doesnt move while the food is all around him. He gave up and just sat there, and died from starvation.

-The fish is like our potential. We tend to give up when something is hard. then we slowly die

1) Awaken to your identy

-The prodical son- hit rock bottom, then he came to himself(realized his identy)

-The world ended up taking his identy

2) Are you Aware of your possibilities

-Dont let anything talk you down. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

-You have the power to break through the lies, so you can reach your potential

3) Be Alive to your responsibilities

-Jesus didnt die for diamonds, corrperations, or land. He died for PEOPLE!

- Learn how to be a friend

-Learn to say no. Know who you are and DONT change for people.

Life is more then just exisistance!

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