Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is something that i always look foward too. Not for the gifts or for the food. I enjoy the times with my family: The laughs shared, the tears of missed loved ones. And remembering the real reason for the season: JESUS.

I miss all the times i shared with my grandmothers. My memaw always had the most fantastic Christmas parties ever. I remember her baking for days. And i always miss her this time of year. I miss my Nannie around this time of year. Because all my cousins and i would always watch Charlie brown christmas at her house and eat ice cream.

- These memories are just a few of the ones i hold dear and near to my heart. Yes it does sadden me that they are gone. Although i feel pain, i am so very thankful for the great memories i do have with them. Memories i will never forget.

Although this season can be a very lonely and depressing time of year, Try to remember all the good times. For those are the memories that you will want to remember.

I cant even begin to express how thankful i am that Jesus came down here and died for me. Without him i honestly dont know where i would be right now. Probably lying in a ditch somewhere. He may have been just a meer baby-But he was born for a great purpose. Thanks you JESUS for always being there. I Love you more then words could express!



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