Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wishful Thinking?

Okay im just ganna get real here for a second. BEING SINGLE SUCKS!!!!!!!!! And im tired of gettin hurt, i really truly am. Im just ready to settle down, not get married or anything but find that one person im ment to be with forever. I know im only 18 but i mean come on i have friends getting engaged!!! Yes, im happy for them but yet at the same time it makes me realize how lonely i feel at times. I have my friends but theres just something about knowing and having that one person feel that way about you. Ya dates and all are fun and what not but idk i guess im just kinda tired of going from guy to guy. Maybe im being selfish, or just having wishful thoughts. And yes i do know that im young, and i know everyone says "ya gatta meet a few jerks and get a few broken hearts along the way" Well you know what...a few broken hearts SUCK!!! And ive met more then a Few jerks. And im tired of getting a broken heart and im tired of having this feeling that something is missing. I dont know i guess its just one of those nights.



  1. Ok darlin,
    First off, I laughed so hard at "a few broken hearts SUCK!!!" haha
    But seriously, it's NOT uncommon to want to settle down, it's a sign of maturity. I know it really really sucks to not have that ONE person there for all the important things going on in your life right now (believe me, I KNOW) but remember- God's got the perfect man for you and when your life and you and the guy are all in aligment, he'll bring you both together. as long as you walk in His path, you cannot veer off and you'll probably run right into him. :)
    Love ya!

  2. Haha Ya i know it just gets tough at times. Thanks girl!! Hey least i know one person still reads my blogs hehe ;D
