Monday, June 21, 2010

Memories and Reflections

So its been about to weeks since ive graduated its its all finally starting to sink in. Wow i cant believe it! I Actually did it! And i am the first person in my imitiate family to graduate with my Advance diploma! I almost didnt graduate with it because of stupid Physics! Have i ever told you how much i hate physics! But i studied my butt of and i got an 88 on my final which boosted my grade a bunch and i passed!!! My friend Whitney told me i passed and i started to cry. Haha ya no joke! But as i just sit here i am reminising on the past years of high school. This is how i see it


Freshman Year: Was my final year at HCA. It was so sad but the memories i have there are priceless. It was also the year when i really started to get into irish Dancing

Sophomore Year: I hated every second of it! (first year in a public school and first time ever being the "new Kid") Lots of changes. But i did make 2 pretty awesome friends Sarah and my little brother Codie :D

Junior Year: I really discovered who i was. I found out who i was and knew that no one could ever change me. Made some great friends!

Sen10r Year : MY FAVORITE YEAR!!! I made some of the best friends anyone could ask for. I had my ups and downs but thats everyone! I went though a lot but my friends were there for me! It was by far the most memorable year of my life!(so far)

I never really knew what it was like to have such great friends till this year! They were all really there for me! And this year was just such a fun and great year! So many memories to cherish! and i am greatful for every single one of them! This year i really grew up- and i noticed it. ya growing up does kinda suck. but it also has its bonuses.

I know i couldnt have survived these years without the love and support of my family. The P.U.S.H. team(who is also my family) and all the help from my friends throughout the years

Friends, people, and places may come and go...but the memories stay forever. :D

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